There are many movements and organizations out there...
But none are like ZeitGeist Movement,
This Movement, founded on March 2009,
Has a different goal, and uses a unique method...
The goal of this movement, is to target the CORE of the social crisis,
And by targeting the core, we target every single problem there is...
Crimes, Aggression, Violence, Murder, War, Poverty, Racism, Speciesism, Sexism, Patriotism, Fanaticism, Indifference, Ego, Robbery, Hunger, Deliberately Denied Cures for Illnesses, Pollution, Security Issues, Corruption, Fraud, Resource Depletion, Unhealthy Food, Transport Issues, Rape, Over Population, Slavery, Endangered Species, Extinction.
The World is in OUR Hands...
Yet we succeed at living every day without questioning our real fate,
We make up myths and ideas instead, avoiding reality...
Perhaps it is fear...
Perhaps it is illiteracy...
Or a combination of both...
With so many problems world wide...
So we must face this, we are now entering a new Age,
The Age of Information, and we are leaving the Modern Age behind.
We can no longer accept blind thoughts and myths...
We can no longer use the system we have,
We MUST change our system to survive...
The Movement is a tool, to promote this shift;
We call ourselves an intelligent race...
Evolution is real, and we can prove it.
JOIN!!! Educate Yourself ! And Change!
Hello everyone,
We are reaching the end of the month october. We have been discussing the posting of progress reports in the background and i very well think this will help keep everybody as informed as possible. Today a first attempt for a monthly report.
In this update the following topics will be handled:
- Movement Events in October
- Project Team Developments
- Chapter Developments
- Website Developments + Updates
Movement Events in October:
Jacque and Roxanne have been lecturing in London: See Thread
Peter Joseph's Bi-weekly broacast has gone Weekly: See Thread
V-Radio had the Director of Open Source Ecology as a Guest on their show: See Thread
The Chapters had Two International meetings : See Thread + More details in chapter section of update.
The Movement has been featured in BMM magazine: See Thread
Project Team Developments:
New project started: From Earth to Venus: See Thread
A Linguistics Sub - Team has been added : See Category
Chapter Developments:
Two meetings of International chapters have been held. Decent increase of participation has been measured. The meetings in October have been focusing on Progress reports from the Chapters, Activism around the new Micheal Moore film , Chapter Reports to be submitted in the future, The difference between official and unofficial chapters and more.
The Chapters Guide has been updated to a first complete form ( will be updated when necesarry): Check Guide
The following official Chapters have been added :
- Colombia
- Brazil
- Spain
- USA: New Hampshire
- USA: California
- USA: Maine
- USA: Washington
There are currently several chapters in the process of website development. These will be included in next report.
Current Chapter Administration contacts are:
Peter Joseph :
Gilbert Ismail( International Coordinator ):
Jen Wilding ( USA Coordinator ):
Website Developments + Updates
Wiki, Forum, Chat,Community and Bug Reports categories have been added to "Using this Web Site : See Category
We are testing a new feature that allows you to search for members by interest. Choose the "Community" under the "Communicate" menu, then "Edit Profile" under the "Profile" tab.
The torrents are being Re-enabled for download in an easier way : See Thread
There is currently a demand for Transcription / Proofreader volunteers : See Thread
This is a general overview of movement happenings during the Month of October. Given that this is a first attempt please bare with me for the poor layout, i hope it is still a decent read.
If you have any suggestions or would like to help track events for the monthly report please email:
Sorry if i missed anything of significance.
Post your thoughts here or your opinion on any of the events
Lets Move forward friends and change the Zeitgeist.
Gilbert / DarkDancer