Monday, February 16, 2009

RBE Centers

... Update Pending ...


1. Fund Raising -
The Tree represents an RBE Center.
The seed is the initiative, you have it.
The soil is the location and team members.
You need to buy resources (water, CO2, Sunlight), sometimes they come free.
And finally you produce fruits! The funds, invest and donate to RBE.

2. RBE Cybernet -
(image pending)
The development of a pseudo-private (more like focused or dedicated) RBE "Internet", which is called "Cybernet". This is a special network hosted in RBE Centers (until the first RBE City is finished, then the RBE Cybernet servers in the RBE Centers will be translated into the City with a major capacity.

3. RBE Community -
(image pending)
These RBE Centers are focused on the housing of members and/or events, such as Zeitgeist Events and RBE Presentations.

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